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Contact: Kathy Veder
Why Horizon Institute?
Horizon Institute was launched to answer the request for more dedicated & complete holistic animal care education. This complete animal education ranges from wellness care, training, behavior & emotional wellbeing, complementary therapies and includes the associated research for the inhouse programs. In addition to the internally developed programs, the institute draws upon holistically minded animal care professionals from around the world. The overall perspective is convenient virtual learning to avoid the traditional brick and mortar constraints.
The goal of the Institute is to open our eyes to the Horizon and to see the vision path to better animal wellness.
What is Horizon Institute?
As Wikipedia defines Institute: An institute is a permanent organizational body created for a certain purpose. Often it is a research organization created to do research on specific topics. An institute can also be a professional body.
Who Founded the Institute?
Kathy Veder, President, founded the Institute after hearing the cry from animal lovers who were eager to take the next step on the holistic animal care educational ladder. For instance, she heard people’s desire to work with their horses in a compassionate yet realistic manner and also for non-horse savvy folks to learn how to safely work around horses in intimate group settings.
The result of listening to the collective client voice was to offer an intimate class taught by Cath Garden of New Zealand. This atypical approach enhances the participants’ discovery experience. Also, by listening to pet owners voice their desire to connect at a deeper level while supporting their animals through difficult physical and emotional issues resulted in Synchrossage™.
Animal lovers who have enjoyed the Synchrossage seminars are now raving fans of the simple method.
Kathy’s qualifications include a 20 year history in the health and wellness field, multiple certifications and a Bachelor of Science Degree. Her successful practical experience includes being an Animal Welfare Specialist, Consultant, Educator and Corporate Executive.
Credentials include Healing Touch for Animals Certified Practitioner and Instructor, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Certified Equine Skeletal Balancer, Animal Craniosacral Therapist, Certified Aquatic Fitness Instructor.
Certified Scuba Diver (holding various PADI & NAUI specialty certifications including Endanger Species -Marine Life.
In addition, she has graciously given back to the community through volunteering at the Cincinnati Zoo Manatee Program, United Way Board of Directors, Big Brothers – Big Sisters earning a Big Sister of the year Award, Junior Achievement and Good Samaritan Hospital Healing Touch Volunteer.
Kathy's methods at work:
What people are saying: |
“What I have learned through Kathy about my horses and dogs has been amazing. Through her instruction we have become a much better team. I feel a much stronger bond with the animals and they seem to truly enjoy the massage and contact. There surely must be a health benefit for all of us, as I am sure my blood pressure goes down during this relaxing process. I would highly recommend Kathy and her methods.”
Janet V. Tenney, 10ee Andalusians/Lusitanos |
“I love raising and showing Weimaraners. My wonderful companion Montana Sky was showing signs of fear at agility trials and in unfamiliar situations with strangers. It troubled me to see this nervous and anxious behavior. I used various energy and holistic techniques but more improvement was needed. After taking the Horizon Institute's Animal Masters Series I applied Kathy's Synchro process and then competed in an agility trial. Montana was relaxed and focused, he performed beautifully. Not that the goal was winning but he was spectacular and we came home with several blue ribbons. The most important thing was he was more relaxed and focused. He had released the fear that was impacting his life.”
Dorothy Kellerhall HTACP, Canine Trainer, Groomer and Massage/Energy Practitioner, www.canineaffaircenter.com, Chesterland, Ohio

"Kathy taught my 10 year old daughter and I the Synchrossage method to use with our animals. It was amazing to watch my daughter massage her new Quarter Horse. As I watched her move her hands over Jack’s topline he almost magically dropped his head and softened his eyes. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed what I witnessed. The step by step method is very simple to apply and the results are obvious.”
Tracy 10ee Andalusians & Lusitanos www.ttenney.com Eaton, Ohio |
“Weapon says thank you for the massage class!”
Jennifer Sutton, West Alexandria, Ohio |